Gather supplies and outwit your opponents to become the last person standing.
Pubg mobile room card png.
You can obtain room cards as rewards via purchase of the elite royale pass is needed leveling up rp.
Rooms in pubg mobile are used to host custom matches where the player who creates the room can set the map.
About pubg mobile custom room.
This page contains details on how to create a room for custom matches on pubg mobile.
Actually we will talk about that location and methods to establish a custom room in pubg mobile.
Pubg mobile is the free battle royale shooter that pits 100 players against each other in a struggle for survival.
So friends you have to watch video till end purchase roomcard.
Check out royale pass guide.
Pubg mobile is one of the most successful mobile games with more than one hundred millions of downloads and 20 millions of players every day pubg mobile often kicks off new and extremely exciting features.
Custom room will be chosen to discuss.
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