Allowing flexible work hours job sharing and or part time scheduling to accommodate employees with children of nursing age.
Pumping at work laws ny.
The affordable care act the 2010 law you may know better as obamacare requires employers to allow women to pump breast milk while they are at work.
New york state has laws that protect mothers rights to breastfeed.
The fair labor standards act a federal law covering all 50 states also protects your right to pump breast milk at work.
For more information contact the wage and hour division of the u s.
Allowing mothers of nursing children attending on site day care to take breaks to breast feed in lieu of pumping.
Rights of nursing mothers to pump breast milk at work information for employers p709.
Under the nys labor law section 206 c breastfeeding in the workplace accommodation law 2007 breastfeeding mothers are guaranteed the right to pump milk at work for three years after giving birth.
Making it work toolkit.
Your right as a nursing mother to pump breast milk at work p708.
Recent amendments to the fair labor standards act also protect the rights of nursing mothers to pump breast milk at work.
Department of labor at 1 866 4uswage.
Providing an easily accessible sink to wash tubing used for pumping breast milk.
New york also created a law that allows a child under one year of.
New york created a breastfeeding mothers bill of rights which is required to be posted in maternal health care facilities.
Is there a similar federal law.
Breastfeeding mothers going back to work.
New york state has laws that protect mother s rights to breastfeed under nys labor law section 206 c breastfeeding in the workplace accommodation law 2007 your employer cannot discriminate against you for choosing to breastfeed your baby or for pumping milk at work.
Guidelines regarding the rights of nursing mothers to express breast milk in the work place.
They have the right to use paid break or meal times or reasonable unpaid break.
California new york texas illinois and connecticut have laws related to the procurement processing distribution use or reimbursement of human milk.
Federal pumping at work law break time for nursing mothers the break time for nursing mothers law was passed in 2010 as part of the affordable care act.
It s in section 4207 for anyone brave enough to hunt it down but like many federal regulations covering american workers it s shot through with loopholes.